GFEST 2019

19nov7:30 pm8:30 pmFeaturedContraJacksons Lane, 269a Archway Road London N6 5AA Event Organized By: Jacksons Lane


Event Details

Drawing from circus, stand-up and live art, Contra is a solo cabaret of contradictions. Fierce, witty and uncompromising, this highly physical show interrogates personal, social and historical occupations of the female body.

Lip sync, spoken text, dance and aerial rope choreography are used to set autobiographical accounts against the voices of comedians, preachers, pop vocalists and strangers on public transport.

With honesty and poignancy, Laura Murphy shares stories of bodily functions, heartbreak and family discussions of lesbian sex, unpicking the absurdity and contradictions of female identity in the present day.

Expect scenes of nudity, aerial acrobatics, and explicit references to mythical reptiles and female sexuality.

Book your tickets here

Age guidance: 16


(Tuesday) 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Jacksons Lane

Jacksons Lane, 269a Archway Road London N6 5AA


Jacksons Lane

© Copyright 2020 GFEST - Gaywise FESTival / Wise Thoughts